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problem implementing USB mass storage in nrf52833dk

I want to implement usb mass storage using FAT FS, However there is problem when is build the solution using  this command line:

west build -b nrf52833dk_nrf52833 samples/subsys/usb/mass -- -DCONFIG_APP_MSC_STORAGE_FLASH_FATFS=y

I know this board does not have external flash, but I want to implement internal flash as mass storage NOT the RAM.

  • Hi

    This is discussed here, and they also provide instructions how to change it. 

    As mentioned the problem of using internal flash for fatFS is that you have very limited flash available, and that accessing it is very slow. 

    I tried it out myself and was able to make it work by adding a new overlay for the nrf52833dk_nrf52833 board, and by applying the changes to the Kconfig file that they mention in the github discussion I linked to above:

    Best regards
