OTA update with nRF connect BLE Desktop app


I'm trying to update my nRF52832 over the air. I'm using the nRF52832 Feather from Adafruits. I'm using this platform + software to make the software development a bit easier by using Arduino.

With my phone I can update OTA:

But with the desktop app I can not succeed:

The dfu button is not there, I'm using exactly the same hardware with exactly the same firmware.

The only thing I noticed is it states 'legacy' with the DFU, but it is still strange that it works with the android app, but not desktop. Anybody knows how to solve this ?

Thanks in advance.

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  • Thanks for the answer. And probably not any plans to do so in the future ? and nRFutil is also not capable to do legacy DFU over BLE ? Anyway it is not mandatory for me, but it would have been nice ;)

    Probably not enough time for it, but if I would make my self a desktop app, is there a library I can use to implement legacy DFU ?

  • We had PC support for legacy DFU through a program called Master control panel, but this program has since been replaced by the nRF connect app you used now. This program did not support the nRF52840 Dongle either, only nRF 51 series boards.

    You could use the nrfutil script (https://github.com/NordicSemiconductor/pc-nrfutil/) as a starting point and then add support for the legacy DFU protocol if you want to develop your own application.

  • In the weekend I found also the Master control panel program. I have an unofficial nRF51 dev board and as a last try I flashed the firmware on my board, but no luck, I'm guessing it's not a regular com port communication and the chip in between on the official development board (atmel sam) is doing some other magic. Also with my scope I did not detect any communication on the rx tx.

    I will leave it like this, thanks for the help/info.

  • The atmel chip functions as a regular USB-UART bridge, but the custom board will need to have the same TX and RX pinout, and possibly also RTS and CTS for HW flow control to work with the pre-compiled connectivity FW (master emulator FW).

    Master control panel had support for the following boards:

    - PCA10000 and PCA10031 dongles

    - PCA10001 and PCA10028 boards

  • By reading your comment that the it should be a USB-UART bridge, I did (a final) try. My board uses a CP2101 usb-uart bridge.

    I checked if the rx and tx are the same as on the PCA10001 DK, they are (P0.09 connected to RX and P0.11 connected to TX and also  CTS (P0.08) and RTS (P0.10) are connected to the same pins.

    And also connected p0.30 to GND.

    Then I used J-Flash to flash C:\Program Files (x86)\Nordic Semiconductor\Master Control Panel\\firmware\pca10000\MEFW_nrf51822_0.11.0_firmware_1M.hex

    Then tried to connect with Master Control Panel, but I measured directly with a scoop on the tx of the CP2102 but there is no activity at all, probably something with the driver. As a check I tried also with putty to send some characters and I can see them on my scope.

    It is what it is, like I said it is not mandatory, but it would have been nice. Anyway, thanks for the help and good evening.
