How to use the trigger library to program the nRF52840 dongle

Sorry but I find the documentation useless. I don't even know where to start. It could be I have not found the correct documentation which is not surprising.

The best I have is this:

but I have no idea how this even started.

Right now the project works. I can use the reset button to flash the dongle and it works. Its a BTLE peripheral that a cycle power client connects to at which time the device starts a scanner and gets data from an unconnectable advertisement from a bike and notifies the data to the client. The USB is used only as a source of power. The project uses SoftDevice for BTLE and flash writes and not the SDK.

Now I want to add the overhead to be able program the dongle without touching the reset button. I don't know where to start. It's clear I have to add lots of h-files and c-files to the project. However, where do I find the steps that document how one adds this functionality to an existing project?

  • What methods do I need to call and when?
  • What configuration parameters do I need to set outside of sdk_config.h?
  • What configuration parameters do I need to set in sdk_config.h?
  • Where are these methods and h-files located so I can pull/configure my project?

One final question, how much overhead does this add? Will it greatly increase the size of my executable project?

When and if this ever gets completed, would that mean I can flash the dongle directly from Keil or Segger or do I still need nRF_Connect that I use now where I have to press the reset button?

  • There are a lot of opens. I thought I only had to call the triigger init method in my app. But I have been looking at others who have had problems and there are all kinds of things I still don't know about. Some posts are old enough they might no longer apply.


    The SHARED and INTERFACE number for another

    and I do not have USB in my original app so it looks like I have to do those usb init and unsb enable and callbacks for events. I will have an additional challenge as I handle events myself in the infinite for loop

  • Hi,

    I see. For instance BOARDS_WITH_USB_DFU_TRIGGER is used by the BSP to call nrf_dfu_trigger_usb_init() for you during bsp_board_init(). If you do not use the BSP (which I assume not, as  you seem to prefer to avoid as many libraries as possible?), then you call nrf_dfu_trigger_usb_init() directly in your code instead, as is done in the ble_connectivity example.

    If you do not use USB for anything else, NRF_DFU_TRIGGER_USB_USB_SHARED should be 0.

    Note that if this case a lot of problems and you have another way of communicating with your app, you could also use a custom way to enter DFU mode. As long as you are able to tell your application that it should enter DFU mode in one way or another (the DFU trigger library implementing one of them via USB), then actually entering DFU mode is straight-forward.

  • Einar,

    where I avoid the SDK is with respect to Bluetooth. It's the only part of all this material I have any understanding of. Personally I find it much easier to use the basic GATT/GAP concepts (which I understand and know) provided by SoftDevice than trying to learn the SDK. In addition, I am working on a new standard and there is no support for it in the SDK. I also needed to work with multiple different versions of the Nordic MCUs and the changes in the SDK were huge whereas the changes in SoftDevice were not. That makes my code easier to port. Lastly, I started all this work using the pc-ble-driver and you had no choice but to use SoftDevice. I wrote a series of test suites for clients that supported the BT-SIG health device profiles and got quite familiar with SoftDevice.

    This new standards project came a year later and to me it was very important to see how difficult it is to implement this new standard on real embedded systems - not mock ones on a PC with its powerful OS. But I am no embedded programmer. Have little experience, So with respect to everything else but GATT/GAP, I 100% rely on these examples to get the MCU up and running so I can do Bluetooth.

    So long story short - YOU BET I USE BSP!

    Okay - so back to DFU (again which I do not have a good understanding of how it works with this GPIO and stuff).

    I set shared to 0, and therefore I assume my interface number is 0 as this is the first one.

    In the connectivity example I see two USB callbacks - one in main (usbd_user_evt_handler) and another one in the trigger library code (usbd_user_evt_handler). I assume the one in main is for serializing data over USB such as with the pc-ble-library. If I can use the  BOARDS_WITH_USB_DFU_TRIGGER option and have my bsp_board_init() call do all the setup work including initializing USB I am a happy camper! 

    My concern is that I also had to take over the handling of events by using 

    sd_app_evt_wait(0 and sd_ble_evt_get() in my main for(;;) loop that every example calls because my data stream was longer than a MTU and had to be fragmented. I fell onto situations where I had to wait for the TX queue to empty and since there was no semaphore support the only way to do an efficient wait was sd_app_evt_wait(). That really shook up my code design! But I have gotten it to work and have been using it for quite a while now.

    So with this DFU, will my sd_app_evt_wait() and sd_ble_evt_get() conflict with the soc library's use of sd_evt_get()? I note the connectivity app also 'clears' some registers in the on_idle() call in main(). I do not understand this.

  • Hi,

    I see you are deeper into this discussion in this thread, so I suggest continuing there instead of speeding the discussion across multiple threads.

  • Once I got it to build and it still didn't work I thought it was time for a new thread. Turns out there are some additional problems I don't understand that need to be addressed in order for the USB to enumerate on Windows. I also had competition on the handling of the SoftDevice sd_app_evt_wait()/get() mehtods.
