MCUBoot DFU Support in Xamarin App

Hi There,

We're new to Nordic and in the process of attempting to move our custom Xamarin application and boards over to use the nRF52832 and the nRF Connect SDK.  Has anyone successfully implemented the DFU process in a Xamarin App using the nRF Connect SDK?  There are some NuGet packages that support nRF5 SDK and Soft-Devices, but there doesn't appear to be any that support the nRF Connect SDK and MCUBoot?

There are a couple of existing Device Manager libraries for iOS and Android but I haven't seen anything for Xamarin.  Has anyone attempted to create Xamarin Bindling Libraries based on these?

Would you recommend that we instead use the nRF5 SDK at utilise existing NuGet Xamarin packages?

Any assistance or feedback would be greatly appreciated.


