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Hi all,

I have an issue with integration of the AWS IoT in my source code. The example works for me. I've tried to copy&paste the example code to my project (I delete my main.c and use example code), but aws_iot_connect() resets the chip without any RTT output on the reason why the chip was reset. 

I remember there was some nrfjprog command to read the reset reason, but I'm unable to find that command at the moment. Does someone know what command it is? 

Also do you have some general ideas on why would aws_iot_connect() cause this behavior?



  • Hi Aleksa,

    The application codes should not work if you only paste the codes in main.c to your project. The AWS IoT example is a whole solution based on NCS, not just codes in main.c. I suggest you adapt your project into the sample instead.

    You can find all nrfjprog commands from this page, just check which one you used before.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Charlie,

    I don't understand why wouldn't it work? My project and the AWS IoT example use the same NCS. The only reason to fail would have to be related to Kconfig. I've made sure that the configuration in my project is the same as the one in the example though (parts relevant to the AWS IoT). 

    I've searched all over nrfjprog documentation, and I wasn't able to find the specific command that I've mentioned in the post. It would literally print out a string explaining the cause of last reset.

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Aleksa,

    Ok, good to know your project is also based on NCS, what is the purpose of your project? Can you share a minimal sample of your codes that can recreate the issue? 

    Best regards,


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