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Combining Mqtt-sn publisher subscriber Thread example on different topics


Can anyone please provide me some idea about how to combine the mqtt-sn publisher example publishing on data topic with the mqtt-sn subscriber example subscribed on cmd topic. 

I want to combine this both example, I have looked for refference on devzone and got one post but there also the subscribe and publishing was on same topic. 

Can someone please provide some basic code snippet. Thanks. 

Parents Reply
  • Hey,

    Actually we are almost at the end of development phase just integrated DFU with mqtt-sn example. We preferred nRF5 SDK for Thread MQTT-SN example as it provided production ready example as stated in SDK overview. It's not that we haven't considered using NCS previously but there aren't many examples in NCS as compared to nRF5 SDK for Thread. 

    I know that nRF SDK for Thread won't be developed but I guess support is still available for the same 

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