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BLE NUS and Secure Bootloader


I'm using the secure bootloader example (examples/dfu/secure_bootloader/pca10056_s140_ble, from SDK 17.1), and would like to enter the bootloader from my application, which uses the Nordic UART Service. I'm looking for a way to enter the bootloader from my application with some function calls, without using the Buttonless DFU Service. I enabled NRF_BL_DFU_ENTER_METHOD_GPREGRET in sdk_config.h in the bootloader code.

I tried doing:

//Set register to inform bootloader to stay in bootloader and not skip to application

//Soft reset of system

Stepping through the debugger, it seems I'm getting an error in the function:


But I don't know what the error is. I'm using nrf52840 and SDK 17.1.0. Does anyone have a method to enter the bootloader without a button press?


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