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ERRATA 89 -the second line of the code

Hello ,

What is the purpose of the second line of the code in errata 89 ? 

I mean this line ;

*(volatile uint32_t *)0x40003FFC;

did you use this one like nop ?

best regards,

*(volatile uint32_t *)0x40003FFC = 0;
*(volatile uint32_t *)0x40003FFC;
*(volatile uint32_t *)0x40003FFC = 1;

  • "any read on the system bus requires the write buffer to be emptied first. "

    I am glad to ask that question because I learned another detail. 

    Thank you.

    By the way , so when we just define a pointer on that address, also creates a read code ? Because code it self looks like just a definition,not reading or value assigning ... I think this is the second thing that I learned as a detail.


  • "any read on the system bus requires the write buffer to be emptied first. "

    I am glad to ask that question because I learned another detail. 

    Thank you.

    By the way , so when we just define a pointer on that address, also creates a read code ? Because code it self looks like just a definition,not reading or value assigning ... I think this is the second thing that I learned as a detail.


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