The pinout of nrf5340

Hi, I tested the RGB Led (with an external RGB Led) with the nrf 5340. But I didn't find any pinout with a brief overview of all the pins and their features because the PWM didn't do the job, and I do not know if it was my code or that I used the wrong pins.

The documents I saw were:

Where I looked for was something like this:

Is there something like that for NRF boards? And if not, what are the gpio pins that I can use for PWM?

I really appreciate any help you can provide (even with the RGB Led if you want).

Parents Reply Children
  • Okay, I tried the overlay method, but then the LEDs on my DK will go with the RGB LEDs. And Is there a method to use more RGB LEDs and not just one because if I understand it correctly? The only pins I can use for an Analog RGB Led are p0.28, p0.29, p0.30, and p0.31?

    And many thanks for considering my request!

  • Hi Dylan,

    On the nRF5340 DK, pins p0.28, p0.29 and p0.30 are connected to the LEDs on the board itself. But you can utilize any of the Analog GPIO pins for your Analog RGB LED. For eg, you could try setting the R,G,B LEDs in the overlay file to any other analog GPIO pins like p0.04, p0.05 and p0.06.

    You can find a set of pins on the board written as (A0). Also, you could try referring the pins assignments for nRF5340 DK. Here, all the available Analog as well as Digital GPIO pins are mentioned according to their pin number and you could try connecting to any of them for you RGB LED example.

    Hope this helps.


