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Cannot find PPK2 after upgrade to nRF Connect for Desktop v3.8.0

Launched nRF Connect for Desktop this morning (v3.7.0) and was prompted that an update was available. Performed the update as well as child packages. PPK was updated as a result. Now, I cannot connect to the PPK2. I get the following displayed in the PPK App:
09:50:15.846 Application data folder: C:\Users\charlies.BURNSVILLE\AppData\Roaming\nrfconnect\pc-nrfconnect-ppk
09:50:16.691 Error while probing devices: EnumerateWorker json error
Complete log file contents:
2021-11-03T14:50:15.846Z INFO Application data folder: C:\Users\charlies.BURNSVILLE\AppData\Roaming\nrfconnect\pc-nrfconnect-ppk
2021-11-03T14:50:15.983Z DEBUG App pc-nrfconnect-ppk v3.2.0 official
2021-11-03T14:50:15.983Z DEBUG App path: C:\Users\charlies.BURNSVILLE\.nrfconnect-apps\node_modules\pc-nrfconnect-ppk
2021-11-03T14:50:15.983Z DEBUG nRFConnect 3.8.0 is not supported by the app (^3.8.0)
2021-11-03T14:50:15.984Z DEBUG nRFConnect path: C:\Users\charlies.BURNSVILLE\AppData\Local\Programs\nrfconnect\resources\app.asar
2021-11-03T14:50:15.984Z DEBUG HomeDir: C:\Users\charlies.BURNSVILLE
2021-11-03T14:50:15.984Z DEBUG TmpDir: C:\Users\charlies.BURNSVILLE\AppData\Local\Temp
2021-11-03T14:50:16.691Z ERROR Error while probing devices: EnumerateWorker json error
Parents Reply
  • Hi,

    I apologize for the inconvenience.

    They are looking into it already, but I am not sure how long it will take to solve. Someone reported restarting nRF Connect for Desktop without changing anything else sometimes helped, so you can try this and see if you are able to get it working using this for now. 

    Best regards,

