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sdk_config confusion

I was trying to create my own sdk_config based on "$NRF_SDK/config/nrf52840/config/sdk_config.h".

I noticed it contains both the "NRFX" config and "Legacy" configs.

For example, both NRFX_RTC_ENABLED and RTC_ENABLED.

I thought that NRFX_RTC_ENABLED shall have precedence over the "legacy" one so I only defined the NRFX ones.

To my surprise the compiled .o file is empty. Then I traced to "nrfx_glue.h" and "apply_old_config.h". I noticed the legacy settings wil override the NRFX settings.

Why do you put to settings in the same file?

For example:

#if defined(RTC_ENABLED)



#if defined(RTC0_ENABLED)




#if defined(RTC1_ENABLED)




#if defined(RTC2_ENABLED)




  • Hello,

    I noticed it contains both the "NRFX" config and "Legacy" configs.

    For example, both NRFX_RTC_ENABLED and RTC_ENABLED.

    I thought that NRFX_RTC_ENABLED shall have precedence over the "legacy" one so I only defined the NRFX ones.

    As you have already discovered, this is not correct. The apply_old_config file will replace your NRFX_ configuration with the legacy configuration if the legacy definitions are defined.
    You should therefore remove the legacy definitions all together from your sdk_config, to avoid this being an issue.

    Why do you put to settings in the same file?

    This is a good questions, with a not-so-good answer unfortunately - the reason for the apply_old_config at introduction was to provide backwards compatibility for the legacy drivers when the nrfx drivers were introduced years ago. While this might have been a suitable addition at the time, it has since been known to cause quite some confusion now that the legacy drivers are macro-forwarded to the nrfx_ implementations behind the scenes anyways.
    Apologies for any confusion or inconvenienc this might have caused.

    Best regards,

  • Thanks Karl, I suspected that it was the case.

    But from the conversations on this forum, I think the sdk_config.h is the standard template provided by NRF and it is encouraged that developers use it for customization.

    I would suggest you provide a standard version of template file without the legacy stuff, otherwise developers will be forced to keep using the legacy settings because it only makes sense. And it defeats the purpose.
