How to prevent STOP bit after a TWI rx command?

I am working with an IQS572 capacitive touch IC, and when communicating with this IC, the communication window will shut down if it receives a STOP bit.

I am writing a lot of configs to the IC registers, and want to do a variety of register reads and writes. Using the NRF_DRV_TWI_FLAG_TX_NO_STOP flag for my TWI TX commands, I can avoid the issue of a premature communication termination just fine. However, there is no similar flag for TWI RX commands, such as when I want to read a register and learn its contents.

How can I set up my TWI RX commands so that they do not send a STOP bit at the end? I understand there is no easy flag for this situation, but I dont know what I need to edit under-the-hood in order to enable this functionality. Specifically, I am using the TXRX descriptor for these TWI read xfers.
