I'd like to develop my custom board's DFU function like the below steps.
- Run my application (simple LTE transfer function included)
- During LTE transferring, If checked the DFU is valid, start downloading the New image file from our server.
- A new image is downloaded in flash's specific address.
- Soft reset(ex. NVIC_SystemReset) and enter to Bootloader.
- Check New image's validation and change the existing image.
I think these steps are according to 'background DFU'. But in SDK 17.0.2, there is no background DFU libraries.
(I referred to this ticket: https://devzone.nordicsemi.com/f/nordic-q-a/61561/difference-between-secure-serial-dfu-and-background-dfu-bootloader)
To summarize the questions,
- Could I port SDK 16.0.0's background-dfu-bootloader to SDK 17.0.2 and my project?
- How can I check the Flash's address for the new firmware image package?