Error when fetching device versions: readFwInfo error

Hi I've just started developing with the nrf52840 and Ive been following the official documentation on how to use the programmer shipped with nRF Connect.

Unfortunately when I select the device in the respective menu I get the following error and I'm not able to do anythin on the soc.

Error when fetching device versions: readFwInfo error

I'm currently using Linux with nrf connect 3.80 and jlink 6.88a (I've tried with nRF Connect 3.9 but I had the exact same issue).

Has anyone managed to solve this problem?

  • I'm getting the same "Error when fetching device versions: readFWInfo error" on a new nRF52840 Dongle.

    I've also tried using nrfutil from the command line.

    On Windows it returns: pc_ble_driver_py.exceptions.NordicSemiException: Response Code InvalidObject

    [2544] Failed to execute script '__main__' due to unhandled exception!

    On Linux it returns: TypeError: can only concatenate list (not "map") to a list

  • Thank you all for the reports. If you can add the OS version and DK/Dongle versions on the devices you experience this issue with that would be helpful too. We're currently looking into this issue on our side and I'll update this ticket when we get to a possible solution, but it will likely come in the form of an update of the nRF Connect app.

    Best regards,


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