SDK Environment: nRF Connect SDK v1.7.1
Zephyr OS build v2.6.99-ncs1-1. This is the version that came with nRF Connect SDK v1.7.1
Target: Decawave DWM1001-DEV. This uses the nRF52832
I am using the Nordic nrfx_spim drivers in a zephyr program.
A event handler is set with nrfx_spim_init
The same SPI transfer is repeated 1000 times with no added delay.
Occasionally after initiating a transfer with nrfx_spim_xfer
the event handler is not called. I have set a very long timeout in the attached code.
The attached test program logs "SPI timeout" at random intervals. Usually within a few minutes.
/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Intel Corporation * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ /* * Modified from by Håkon * See: */ #include <zephyr.h> #include <device.h> #include <string.h> #include <drivers/gpio.h> #include <nrfx_spim.h> #include <logging/log.h> LOG_MODULE_REGISTER(main); #define SLEEP_TIME 100 // ms #define SPI_TIMEOUT 1000 // ms const struct gpio_dt_spec heartbeat_led = GPIO_DT_SPEC_GET(DT_NODELABEL(led0_red), gpios); const struct gpio_dt_spec test_j7_pin3 = { .port = DEVICE_DT_GET(DT_NODELABEL(gpio0)), .pin = 12, .dt_flags = GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH}; #define NRFX_SPIM_SCK_PIN 16 #define NRFX_SPIM_MOSI_PIN 20 #define NRFX_SPIM_MISO_PIN 18 #define NRFX_SPIM_SS_PIN 17 #define SPI_INSTANCE 2 /**< SPI instance index. */ static const nrfx_spim_t spi = NRFX_SPIM_INSTANCE(SPI_INSTANCE); /**< SPI instance. */ static volatile bool spi_xfer_done = true; /**< Flag used to indicate that SPI instance completed the transfer. */ #define SPI_BUF_SIZE (255) static uint8_t m_tx_buf[SPI_BUF_SIZE]; /**< TX buffer. */ static uint8_t m_rx_buf[SPI_BUF_SIZE]; /**< RX buffer. */ #define ISR_PRIORITY 5 void spim_event_handler(nrfx_spim_evt_t const * p_event, void * p_context) { spi_xfer_done = true; } void setup_spim(void) { nrfx_spim_config_t spi_config = NRFX_SPIM_DEFAULT_CONFIG(NRFX_SPIM_SCK_PIN, NRFX_SPIM_MOSI_PIN, NRFX_SPIM_MISO_PIN, NRFX_SPIM_SS_PIN); spi_config.frequency = NRF_SPIM_FREQ_8M; uint32_t err = nrfx_spim_init(&spi, &spi_config, spim_event_handler, NULL); if (err != NRFX_SUCCESS) { printk("nrfx err: %d\n", err); return; } /* Zephyr IRQ wrapper, corresponds to NVIC_* functions */ IRQ_CONNECT(NRFX_IRQ_NUMBER_GET(NRF_SPIM2), ISR_PRIORITY, nrfx_isr, nrfx_spim_2_irq_handler, 0); } /* * Setup output test pins for external monitoring. */ void testPin1Set() { gpio_pin_set_dt(&test_j7_pin3, 1); } void testPin1Clear() { gpio_pin_set_dt(&test_j7_pin3, 0); } void testPinsSetup() { gpio_pin_configure_dt(&test_j7_pin3, GPIO_OUTPUT_INACTIVE); } void main_thread(void) { testPinsSetup(); setup_spim(); LOG_INF("NRFX SPIM sample"); LOG_INF("Read DW1000 DWT_DEVICE_ID"); while (1) { k_msleep(SLEEP_TIME); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { const int m_length = 5; memset(m_tx_buf, 0, m_length); memset(m_rx_buf, 0, m_length); nrfx_spim_xfer_desc_t xfer_desc = NRFX_SPIM_XFER_TRX(m_tx_buf, m_length, m_rx_buf, m_length); uint32_t ret = nrfx_spim_xfer(&spi, &xfer_desc, 0); if (ret == NRFX_SUCCESS) { spi_xfer_done = false; testPin1Set(); int64_t timeOutTime = k_uptime_get() + SPI_TIMEOUT; while (!spi_xfer_done) { k_yield(); if (k_uptime_get() > timeOutTime) { LOG_INF("SPI timeout"); break; } } testPin1Clear(); } else { LOG_INF("nrfx_spim_xfer returned %i", ret); } } // Expecting DWT_DEVICE_ID (0xDECA0130) //!< DW1000 MP device ID LOG_INF("Result = %x", *((uint32_t*) &m_rx_buf[1])); } } void heartbeat_thread(void) { bool ledState = false; gpio_pin_configure_dt(&heartbeat_led, GPIO_OUTPUT); for (;;) { k_msleep(500); LOG_INF("toggle LED"); gpio_pin_set_dt(&heartbeat_led, ledState); ledState = !ledState; } } K_THREAD_DEFINE(main_thread_id, 4000, main_thread, NULL, NULL, NULL, 7, 0, 0); K_THREAD_DEFINE(heartbeat_thread_id, 1024, heartbeat_thread, NULL, NULL, NULL, 7, 0, 0);
and testPin1Clear
are for time profiling.
I have attached the complete project source code.