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We're working on making some more tutorials, we have some thoughts on what we want to do, but we would really like your input. After all it's you, the user, who will benefit from this material.

What do you find unclear, difficult or would like a more thorough walk-through on?

Best regards,


  • In SDK there are examples how to use BLE stack and how to use nRF51 peripherals, which I really appreciated form the very beginning. In other hand, I've found it very hard to use SPI along with softdevice (hard faults everywhere!). There are some nice questions and answers on this topic (like here, here or here), but still - it is my third evening that I am trying to make a very simple project work.

    In my opinion: softdevice + SPI usage tutorial is very needed. Maybe you can make it more general (I saw plenty softdevice + I2C problems too)?

    My other thought is that just one blogger posting simple (or not) projects based on Nordic ICs (with step-by-step tutorial) from time to time would do a great job for newbies (something like this guy is doing for Freescale).

  • One blogger who is doing this can be found at, he also has many other exciting projects for electronics enthusiasts.

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