BLE data rate

how to change the BLE data transmission rate in nrf52840 sdk s140?

Parents Reply
  • Line 16-19 of the code snippet is where the connection parameter preferences of the peripheral device is set. However, please note that the peripheral may only make requests to use its preferred parameters, while the central is the one that actually decides which parameters will be used. The central may reject the peripheral's request, if it prefers other parameters itself. This is not a problem if you control both sides of the link, but in the case of a phone or similar it is worth noting.

    Are you familiar with the nRF Sniffer tool? It is a powerful tool to wield when developing with BLE since it lets you see the on-air exchanges between your devices. In this case, a sniffer trace would immediately let you see which connection parameters is being used for the connection.

    Best regards,

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