Unable to see BLE advertising

Hi All,

I have flashed one of the samples on our custom board based on NRF52833. 

SDK : nrf connect v1.7

IDE : Vs Code

OS : Windows 10

I can see the that code is running when I connect a debugger and have played around BLE advertising options. 

Still I couldn't see device advertising in nrf Connect mobile application.

Does the provided examples only work on development kits?

"I have to build an application which can switch between central and peripheral roles on receiving a command from UART."

which example shall I pick to start my development?

I'm relatively newbie in BLE development and completely new to RTOS applications. Need a little help here.

Parents Reply
  • viswa said:
    I'm testing on custom hw and also I have two oscillators connected for the chip, one 24MHz and one 32.6khz

    Good. Then you need to adjust the firmware to your custom HW. As mentioned I suggest starting with radio test to see that the basics you need for using the radio is functional.

    viswa said:
    Where shall i find the MACID of bluetooth device?

    That is part of FICR, specifically DEVICEADDR. This is is randomly generated during production and is automatically used  by the BT stack unless you explicitly use another.
