Update CTE params...failed (err -134) in 'direction_finding_connectionless_tx'


I'm working with the sample 'ncs1.7.1\nrf\samples\bluetooth\direction_finding_connectionless_tx' on nRF5340,  I followed this page and built with AoA mode, then added content of overlay-aoa.conf file to child_image/hci_rpmsg.conf file, ran this code:

G:\ncs_v1.7.1\ncs1.7.1\nrf\samples\bluetooth\direction_finding_connectionless_tx>west build -b nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpuapp -- -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=overlay-aoa.conf

Build and flash seems correct,  but output in putty is wrong:

*** Booting Zephyr OS build v2.6.99-ncs1-1  ***
Starting Connectionless Beacon Demo
Bluetooth initialization...success
Advertising set create...success
Update CTE params...failed (err -134)

 I tried as Amanda said, erased the kit before flash, but it doesn't help. How to solve this problem? Thanks in advance.

Best regards,


Parents Reply
  • We have followed all the steps in this thread but the problem remains. We are using the nRF5340 as both array and tag and flashing via VSCode. Everything works as intended up until:

    PER_ADV_SYNC[X]: [DEVICE]: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX, tx_power XXX, RSSI XX, CTE XXX, data length X, data: XXX 

    Then  "Waiting for periodic sync lost..." is returned and the board reboots and the "CTE[X]" is not received:

     CTE[X]: samples count XX, cte type XXX, slot durations: X [us], packet status XXX, RSSI XXX

    Is there any progress made regarding this problem?

    Best regards,

