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Pin 0.17 not working as TX UART - BLE_APP_UART NRF52840

Hey, I am having trouble setting Pin 0.17 as UART TX. I have tested my code on pins 6,8,15 and 18 as UART TX and the code works. I get the required output on serial. I am currently testing on NRF52840 DK.

Previously I was using a custom board with an LTE module connected on pin 0.17 and it was not working. So I came back to my DK and tested if the AT commands are being sent correctly and figured out that Pin 0.17 does not work as UART TX and that was the problem with the custom board as well.

There is no other thing configured to PIN 0.17 I cross checked that.

  • Hi,

    Pin p0.17 in the DK is connected as the CS as you can see in the backside of the DK. In order to use this as a UART TX pin, you need to cut SB13 and short SB23. Note that by doing this, the external flash will not work.



  • Hi,

    Pin p0.17 in the DK is connected as the CS as you can see in the backside of the DK. In order to use this as a UART TX pin, you need to cut SB13 and short SB23. Note that by doing this, the external flash will not work.



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