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UART communication using nRH52840

  1. I am a newbee to nrf 52840..I saw lot of documents and got confused on where to start ..indly guide me on this
  2. we are trying nrf52840 dev kit as we are using nrf52840 in our custom board
  3. Let me know how can start for UART communciation using this dev Kit
  4. Kindly let me know the procedures
  5. Also if I plan to use custom board for this..let me know how we can program for incoming BLE msg to be sent via UART..

Kindly let me know

Thanks and regards

Ravi chandran

  • Hi,

    Start with our lp-UART example in NCS or UART example in nRF5SDK. Documentation for the peripheral can be found here,



  • Hi,

    Thanks for your reply.I tried unboxing the Dk kit with pulsating example which was preinstalled ..I was able to control the LED's.after this I copied J-Link OB-SAM3U128-V2-NordicSemi 170724.bin to check for the flashing LED example.

    Now I cannot go back to previous one.

    what I need to know is should I install Segger Embedded studio to run the IDE....I need to know which IDE  I can install so that I can run the examples by flashing.

    IDE where I can code (pre installed code if any), compile and run ..similar to an IDE.Kindly let me know

    Like this if I already have UART example I shall modify the same and flash the hex file.Kindly guide me 


    Ravi chandran

  • Hello Ravi, sorry about the wait. Its hard to avoid some delay during the holidays.

    As it has been 20 days, I guess I should start off asking if you have already managed to sort this out on your own?

    Otherwise, when starting off you do have the choice between our two SDKs, nRF5 SDK and nRF Connect SDK. On tips on what to choose, see here!

    As you did mention Visual Studio and nRF Connect in your previous replies, I assume that is what you would prefer to use? In that case I would recommend that you look here for a tutorial on how to get started with NCS. And here on how to continue with VS.

    Let me know if there is anything else.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Elfving,

    Thanks for your reply.we are using NRF52840 development kit for our BLE test .

    Our requirement is as follows

    1. we would like to configure the nRF developement board with particular UART so that what ever message comes in will go through the BLE and comes through UART to PC.

    can we use your nRF connect APP to check whether message is passed on??

    How do you configure and choose the UART and  make this work?

    2. Later in our custom board we have used nRF52840 along with STM which is connected via UART,we want messages to go through the UART to BLE and from there to air so that other devices picks this up.

    Thats our final requirement.

    Kindly let us know what are all the steps needs to be followed to acheive using development board.

    do we need to create an hex file to flash..let us know.which are all the necessary IDE required so that we can configure and test the same.

    Kindly guide us .

    Thanks and regards

    Ravi chandran

  • Hi Elfving,

    I would like to add to the above queries that I need BLE to run along with whatever comes as input to BLE should be sent to the STM which is connected via UART and what ever comes to BLE through UART will be sent outside the BLE.It has to be a 22 way communication.

    for this to test how can I enable BLE stack + configure UART and create a hex file and then test as follows

    1.nrfconnect App(send msg)-> connects to nRF 52840 dev board -> reaches UART and then displays in laptop using putty/teraterm/termite

    2. send msg via Putty/teraterm/termite->to  nRF 52840 dev board-> send to nRf connect App

    FIrst I need to create a hex fie for this

    psedo code

    enable BLE

    configure respective UART 2

    if(msg received through UART)

    send to APP

    if(msg received from App)

    send to UART2 to STM

    this is the sort of code we need to build and test.let me know how do we proceed with this.

    what are all the tools ,any IDE where we can configue and run directly let me know

    Thanks and regards

    Ravi chamdram

  • Hello Ravi!

    First of all, have you taken a look at the tutorials? Have you decided on whether you want to use nRF5SDK or NCS? And have you taken a look at the UART example, for instance this?

    Best regards,


  • Hello Elfving,

    Thanks for your response. I did have a look into your tutorials..Now I have decided to go with Nrf connect SDK ...also I got some clue on UART link you have shared which I will have a deeper look..just let me know for Nrf connect SDK..I have installed nRF connect to desktop this correct??.

    so the path is use nRF connect then start the basic project ..connect to Zephr libraries use BLE..then configure UART...then do the this path correct??

    Let me know..sorry trying to understand

    Thanks and regards

    Ravi chandran

  • Hello Elfving,

    Thanks for your response. I did have a look into your tutorials..Now I have decided to go with Nrf connect SDK ...also I got some clue on UART link you have shared which I will have a deeper look..just let me know for Nrf connect SDK..I have installed nRF connect to desktop this correct??.

    so the path is use nRF connect then start the basic project ..connect to Zephr libraries use BLE..then configure UART...then do the this path correct??

    Let me know..sorry trying to understand

    Thanks and regards

    Ravi chandran

  • Hello,

    Yes that sounds correct!

    Best regards,


  • Hi Elfving,

    As I went ahead installing VS studio and then try to do the nRF connect extensions...there I was not able to connect to SDK version connect example ..tried to connect to SDK version v1.7.0 and tool chain..but not linking..says invalid tool not understand why this is happening??

    also tried installing SEGGER embedded from the website..but not getting the icon during the start up after installation..and also cannot been seen in toolchain of nRF connect..let me know how can we go about this before I start :hello world" program ..thanks



  • Hi Elfving,

    I think I have a problem in installation itself..SDK connect open tool chain manager where I install connect SDK V7.0 but when I open the VS studio after installation the welcome page I am not able to do nRF connect SDK path and also nRF connect tool chain path says invalid installation..did not understand whee the problem is?? ...Kindly help me out.



  • Hi Elfving,

    Iam running with windows this an issue??..I see the same in NCS getting do we avoid this??



  • Hi elfiving,

    I am trying to install nRF connect in ubuntu ..looks like I am facing database do I install in ubuntu version 18.04..also let me know if it is possible using windows 7 or should we migrate to windows 10 ??


