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UART communication using nRH52840

  1. I am a newbee to nrf 52840..I saw lot of documents and got confused on where to start ..indly guide me on this
  2. we are trying nrf52840 dev kit as we are using nrf52840 in our custom board
  3. Let me know how can start for UART communciation using this dev Kit
  4. Kindly let me know the procedures
  5. Also if I plan to use custom board for this..let me know how we can program for incoming BLE msg to be sent via UART..

Kindly let me know

Thanks and regards

Ravi chandran

Parents Reply Children
  • Hi ELfving,

    I also installed nrf_command_line_tool_15.2...but still not able to open the bash...where is the problem??



  • Hi Elfving,

    Any update on how to move on from here...My bash is not opening up here..Kindly let me know.



  • Hey Ravi,

    I just noticed that you mentioned that the zephyr wasn't installed. Is the zephyr subfolder in your NCS installation not there? If that is the case then it would obviously not find the zephyr root, and there is something wrong with your installation.



  • Hi elfving,

    I am just planning to move to bare metal way of working using nRF52840...just let me know what are all the required files for these..I am trying to install SEGGER embedded studio..once completed I will let you know....

    1.downloaded SDK S113 along with nRF nRF5_SDK_17.0.2_d674dde
    2.inside nRF5_SDK_17.0.2_d674dde \examples\peripheral\UART you have UART example
    3. PCA10056 corresponds to nRF 52840 , there are arm packages..

    Once SEGGER Is installed...can we flash the UART hex file in the hex folder directly.

    what is th flashing tool used here??

    let me know



  • Hey again,

    Yes, some of the examples in the nRF5 SDK come with precompiled hex files for various boards. I thought you wanted to use NCS though, but if getting something precompiled is enough for you then go ahead.

    In order to flash the hex file you acctually only need the commandline tools. Open a terminal in the folder with the hex file you need, with the board connected, and run:

    nrfjprog -f NRF52 --program myapp.hex

    For more on this see here.

    sravich1 said:
    I am just planning to move to bare metal way of working using nRF52840

    Well simply flashing pre-made hex files is very bare metal, though if you are planning on using changing and compiling your own versions I would recommend installing NCS. It is actually a pretty bare metal solution.

    As there was something wrong with your previous installation, I would recommend you to  remove this installation completely and try it one more time. An active VPN connection or firewall could possibly block the necessary downloads from GitHub. Additionally, my personal recommendation would be to stick with the default installation path.


