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UART communication using nRH52840

  1. I am a newbee to nrf 52840..I saw lot of documents and got confused on where to start ..indly guide me on this
  2. we are trying nrf52840 dev kit as we are using nrf52840 in our custom board
  3. Let me know how can start for UART communciation using this dev Kit
  4. Kindly let me know the procedures
  5. Also if I plan to use custom board for this..let me know how we can program for incoming BLE msg to be sent via UART..

Kindly let me know

Thanks and regards

Ravi chandran

  • Hi there,

    I'll be handling this case from now. 

    This case has been going back and forth between different problems. Could you now specify exactly what your problem is, and what you need help with? 



  • Hi jared,

    currently I am using nRF52840 development board connected through UART to our custom board .

    I used nRF connect APP to test the Bluetooth and was successful in sending data.

    1.My question was can we use the same to test using 3rd party App such as Bluetooth terminal??,

    I also used nRF2.0 but was not able to connect..let me know on this.

    2. Also cuurently I am using SEGGER embedded studio where I am running Baremetal code to run the hex file.

    Is there any other flash tool which we can use ??

    3. How do I change the UART speed from 115200 to 9600 ..there is #define should I just use this??

    4. The development board UART was connected to my USB and this worked fine, to connect to our custom board..Do I need to connect to pin number 6 and 8 to UART of the custom board.??also to change pins should I change in pCA10056.h file ???

    Let me know 



  • Hi jared ,

    we would like to know 

    STM32 sending data--->coming in the UART pins--> into Nordic--->Not seen in the Nordic App

    yes board is connected laptop using USB.

    is the connection fine with these pins

    first and second instance same we need different pins??

    Rx and Tx same pins(Pin no6 and pinno 8 as given in the guide.

    Any pin changes needed let me know.

    I am seeing in the laptop which is connected via USB..should this be removed??

    Kindly let me know.



  • If we remove how to power the board??...but do not connect to the com port???..


  • also when I run the development board individually the print statement comes properly in the UART...saying UART has started...but when I integrate with STM..I do not see the print statement when I switch both the boards on...any timing issue or any pin connection error..


  • Hi jared,

    Looks like according to your Guide there is something called as dynamic HWFC your pin 5 and 7 needs to be disabled I think.Am I correct??..If so how do you do this in hardware kit??

    Any suggestion would be good...also the Tx is coming from STM32 for this also to work we need to disable HWFC.Kindly let me know.



  • Hi jared,

    Also I tried with making HWFC false in pca10056.h but connected to pin number 6 and 8.

    Then I changed in header file pin numbers to 3 and 4 for GPIO but still did not workpca10056.h

    Kindly let me know



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