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UART communication using nRH52840

  1. I am a newbee to nrf 52840..I saw lot of documents and got confused on where to start ..indly guide me on this
  2. we are trying nrf52840 dev kit as we are using nrf52840 in our custom board
  3. Let me know how can start for UART communciation using this dev Kit
  4. Kindly let me know the procedures
  5. Also if I plan to use custom board for this..let me know how we can program for incoming BLE msg to be sent via UART..

Kindly let me know

Thanks and regards

Ravi chandran

  • Hi Elfving,

    Any update on the 3rd party App query I had asked earlier..kindly let me know.



  • Hey Ravi,

    sravich1 said:

    which file or .h files has these pins reference so that I can change and build.

    sravich1 said:

    you said initially d52_starter.h which I could not find in the BLE_peripheral_App project.

    Yes, I see now that it is rather in /components/boards/PCA10056.h, sorry about that. Do you have issues finding the components/boards/ folder in your SDK? It should be in the root folder.

    sravich1 said:

    or any other Bluettoth terminal App....I get connect and disconnects to get this working for any 3rd party App also??..any code changes we need to enable let me know

    Could you expand on this? What are you using to connect?



  • Hi,

    Yes, I see now that it is rather in /components/boards/PCA10056.h, sorry about that. Do you have issues finding the components/boards/ folder in your SDK? It should be in the root folder.

    I found this ..sure I will try changing pins here

    currently since I am using nRF52840 board..for UART can I use pin 8 and 6 for RX and TXD.???

    currently I am using nRF connect App where I can send and receive..I cannot do  the same using nRF UART2.0 or bluetooth terminal 3rd party App..any reason should I change anything let me know.

    Thanks for your suggestion.



  • Hi Elfving,

    Any update on my previous message.



  • Hi Elfving,

    Any update Please on 3rd party App I mentioned where I am not seeing any messages when used.

    do we need to make any changes in the code..kindly let me know..I have asked in my previous messages.

    Thanks and regards

