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UART communication using nRH52840

  1. I am a newbee to nrf 52840..I saw lot of documents and got confused on where to start ..indly guide me on this
  2. we are trying nrf52840 dev kit as we are using nrf52840 in our custom board
  3. Let me know how can start for UART communciation using this dev Kit
  4. Kindly let me know the procedures
  5. Also if I plan to use custom board for this..let me know how we can program for incoming BLE msg to be sent via UART..

Kindly let me know

Thanks and regards

Ravi chandran

  • Hi there,

    I'll be handling this case from now. 

    This case has been going back and forth between different problems. Could you now specify exactly what your problem is, and what you need help with? 



  • Hi jared,

    currently I am using nRF52840 development board connected through UART to our custom board .

    I used nRF connect APP to test the Bluetooth and was successful in sending data.

    1.My question was can we use the same to test using 3rd party App such as Bluetooth terminal??,

    I also used nRF2.0 but was not able to connect..let me know on this.

    2. Also cuurently I am using SEGGER embedded studio where I am running Baremetal code to run the hex file.

    Is there any other flash tool which we can use ??

    3. How do I change the UART speed from 115200 to 9600 ..there is #define should I just use this??

    4. The development board UART was connected to my USB and this worked fine, to connect to our custom board..Do I need to connect to pin number 6 and 8 to UART of the custom board.??also to change pins should I change in pCA10056.h file ???

    Let me know 



  • Hi,

    sravich1 said:

    currently I am using nRF52840 development board connected through UART to our custom board .

    I used nRF connect APP to test the Bluetooth and was successful in sending data.

    1.My question was can we use the same to test using 3rd party App such as Bluetooth terminal??,

    I'm guessing that you're using the ble_app_uart example and not the purely UART hardware example? The ble_app_uart peripheral example implements the NUS service which is a proprietary BLE service from Nordicsemi. This means that this service will not work with third party apps unless they are configured specifically for the NUS service as in the NUS central example.

    sravich1 said:

    2. Also cuurently I am using SEGGER embedded studio where I am running Baremetal code to run the hex file.

    Is there any other flash tool which we can use ??

    The SDK has support for Keil µVision, IAR, GCC

    sravich1 said:
    3. How do I change the UART speed from 115200 to 9600 ..there is #define should I just use this??

    See uart_init()

    sravich1 said:
    4. The development board UART was connected to my USB and this worked fine, to connect to our custom board..Do I need to connect to pin number 6 and 8 to UART of the custom board.??also to change pins should I change in pCA10056.h file ???

    Not sure I understand this question. The ble_app_uart example receives data over BLE and sends it on UART pins 6 and 8, which is physically connected to the interface chip on the PCB. The fw on the interface chips sends the data from the UART to whatever that is connected on the USB port. You can change the pins that are used for the ble_app_uart module by changing rx_pin_no and tx_pin_no in uart_init(), see the image above.



  • Hi Jared,

    Thanks for your response.

    current requirement is the STM (STMicro) board will communicate to Nordic using UART and Viceversa connected to pin 6 and 8.we need to create a hex file so that Nordic receives and Transmits whatever comes to BLE .

    Bluetooth connected(terminal)--(BLE)------> BLE nordic--(UART)---->STM(Rx to STM)

    Bluetooth connected(terminal)<--(BLE)------ BLE nordic<--(UART)<-----STM(Tx from STM)

    These are our intended targets as of now.

    so can I use  \\nRF5_SDK_17.0.2_d674dde\examples\ble_central\ble_app_uart_c  where I can open in SEGGER embedded studio and create an hex file??

    or can Use directly ble_app_uart_c_pca10056_s140.hex file in hex folder??..let me know.

    My question to flashing tool is ...can I use any flashing tool such as STlink utility flashing tool in case of this is there any available flashing tool ..or should we use only SEGGER embedded studio only..let me know.

    Rest of the things I will change and let you know..thanks


  • Hi jared,

    Also I have one more question...How do we program Nordic BLE chip in our custom this using development board nRF52840..if so how??..any other flash tool..if so which are all the pins from the BLE chip to be brought out to flash..kindly help on this.


