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UART communication using nRH52840

  1. I am a newbee to nrf 52840..I saw lot of documents and got confused on where to start ..indly guide me on this
  2. we are trying nrf52840 dev kit as we are using nrf52840 in our custom board
  3. Let me know how can start for UART communciation using this dev Kit
  4. Kindly let me know the procedures
  5. Also if I plan to use custom board for this..let me know how we can program for incoming BLE msg to be sent via UART..

Kindly let me know

Thanks and regards

Ravi chandran

  • Hi,

    sravich1 said:

    Bluetooth connected(terminal)--(BLE)------> BLE nordic--(UART)---->STM(Rx to STM)

    Bluetooth connected(terminal)<--(BLE)------ BLE nordic<--(UART)<-----STM(Tx from STM)

    In this case you'll need to implement the central part on the PC side. The STM will communicate over UART so no need for it to implement the BLE central part. You also need to change the UART pins from the default pin 6 and pin 8.

    sravich1 said:
    My question to flashing tool is ...can I use any flashing tool such as STlink utility flashing tool in case of this is there any available flashing tool ..or should we use only SEGGER embedded studio only..let me know.

    STM is a third party MCU, which we do not support.

    sravich1 said:
    Also I have one more question...How do we program Nordic BLE chip in our custom this using development board nRF52840..if so how??..any other flash tool..if so which are all the pins from the BLE chip to be brought out to flash..kindly help on this.

    See this



  • Hi Jared,

    Just to conclude what you have said

    1 .If the Bluetooth terminal(PC based) --> use BLE central example and hex directly(change default pin to??)

    BLE APP(Nordic App)  --> use BLE_App_UART central example and hex directly(pin 6 and 8)

    BLE App(Third party)-> use UART_PC_10056 example hex directly(PIN 6 and 8)

    is this correct??

    2. For flashing hex file use SEGGER for Nordic once we are done with external devices connection ..Any other flash tool kindly suggest

    3.I have just integrated UART of STM and also connected to development board..and I am sending some characters from STM but in my App I am always getting ifconfig;echo__END_:$? ..does this mean anything??..these are not my intended characters.

    I am sending in a while do you check in continuous flow of characters in APP nRF connect??

    Let me know..thanks



  • Hi jared,

    any update on my previous message...



  • Hi Jared,

    1.After testing with ble_app_uart_pca10056_s113.hex(ble_uart_App for Nordic App ) then we connected 6 and 8 pins to STM 32 MCU, we are not seeing any message going to the STM nor coming from STM to nordic.

    The messages are seen before we tap i.e till it reaches the pin..any configuration that needs to be done kindly guide us.

    2.I also tried with examples/peripheral/UART/uart_pca10056.hex for the third party App..I could see only loop back test here..the nRF connect App could not recognise the BLE nor the third party App.Any idea what needs to be done.

    we are more interested to get the integration with STM so that the flow is up in the UART between them.

    let me know



  • Hi jared,

    I have currently compiled for ble_peripheral/ble_App_UART/pca10056/ble_app_uart_pca10056_s113.hex file in my environment.

    This is along with pin number 6 and 8 which I have integrated to my STM32 environment.

    BLE APP(Nordic App/BLE scanner) sending to --->Nordic chip-> send to STM32---not working at STM

    STM32 sending data--->coming in the UART pins--> into Nordic--->Not seen in the Nordic App ,only seen at USB connected to laptop.

    to receive at Nordic level from STM32 and sending to Nordic App should be do some extra stuff in the example code??...kindly let me know.


