When i use DFU update app firmwre,The Serial Port always blocking and DK no repose


Fllow the guide of Configuring and performing DFU over Mesh,I can update firmwre successful use DFU:

Source: Example/Dfu

Target: Blinky(about 180 segment)

But When i use my own program as target,the size of firmware mush big than Blinky,vablout 10000 segment.The update process always blocking in serial port:

From picture the serial blocking in about 245 segment,after that the PC request again and again,but the DK have no repose.


nrf52840, S140, nrf52-7,0,1,

hardware:Nordic Devepment Kit


Recommend i used the origin mesh sdk\ softdevice\ bootloader and do not change,the problem always

  • How can i use bootloader log?
    • It open RTT_LOG in rtt_log.h and then finish complie.but i can not get bootloader log always
    • Use bootloader log, i can focus where cause blocking,Pls show me the method
  • How can i reslove it?
    • May be some parameters was wrong? or Some patch can enhance stability in serial port?

