How to config the retry count when send a segmented message?

Dear friends,

My 52840 DK flashed a serial example(nrf5_SDK_for_Mesh_v5.0.0_src\examples\serial) as a provisioner.

We use PyACI communicate with provisioner by Uart.

Now, we config the DEFAULT_FORCE_SEGMENTED = True, the message will be segmented send out.

If the destination node doesn't ack, the message will try to be sent several times. we can get the process from the wireshark.the screeshot below shows:

From the screeshot, we know the message will retry to be sent four times when there is none ack message.

We want to config the parameter which control the retry count, Could you give me a hand?

Thank you in advance.

Parents Reply
  • Hi Mttrinh,

    Thanks for you prompt response.

    We encounter another question. If the provisioner sends several segmented control messages to a node in a short time.  eg.  Provisioner sends 3 messages in 600ms. the first message don't retry to send out even though there is none ack returned. but the last message will retry to send until get the ack. 

    a) Is there a message buffer or queue control this process?

    b) Why the first message didn't retry to be sent out?

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