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Light_bulb example for 52840 Dongle

Please guide what changes are to be done for the Light bulb example to be run in 52840 Dongle?

I am using VS Code and built the Build Configuration using the Dongle configuration that was available.  Since the compilation gave this error, I updated the PWM Driver to the one mentioned in the DTS file. 

/* Use onboard led4 to act as a light bulb.
 * The app.overlay file has this at node label "pwm_led3" in /pwmleds.
#define PWM_DK_LED4_NODE                DT_NODELABEL(blue_pwm_led)

It build fine and generates the .hex file.  However, after loading the hex file in the Dongle using the Programmer V2.0.0 the DFU loading is fine but upon completion it gives the below

Uploading image through SDFU: 99%
Uploading image through SDFU: 100%
All dfu images have been written to the target device
Failed to write: Timeout while waiting for device EF30A289B89F to be attached and enumerated

The dongle is not corrupted as I again again reset the same and reinstall. I have also loaded my earlier dongle firmware and it runs fine.  So the Dongle is fine.  Just need to check why is the above error after successful write?

  • Hi

    This is the expected behavior when flashing firmware onto an nRF52840 Dongle. After the DFU is completed, the board will reset and start running the application, which means the bootloader stops running and thus won't be detected correctly by the nRFConnect Programmer app until you put it back into bootloader mode (by pressing the side mounted button).

    Best regards,


  • okay but the co-ordinator does not register with respect to this dongle any announcements, nor does wireshark register any messages.

    Also, can you please confirm whether the code change done for the PWM is the correct one for the dongle, or are there some other changes to be done in the overlay file?

  • okay but the co-ordinator does not register with respect to this dongle any announcements, nor does wireshark register any messages.

    Also, can you please confirm whether the code change done for the PWM is the correct one for the dongle, or are there some other changes to be done in the overlay file?

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