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nrf52805 and com with PUTTY

Hello, i have send my program with my DKnr52840 on my module 805, (the example peripheral Uart) now i would like to make my com with putty or other software but i'm going to show you what i have.   i verified the com and when im on my app on my phone and im trying to write something i have nothing on the screen. i think there is no communication.  Thank you in advance

  • Hi again

    What are TX pin number and RX pin number set to, and is the module connected to a USB-UART bridge so it is able to communicate with the computer? I'm guessing it doesn't which is why you can't connect to PuTTY and see logs on your computer. 

    Best regards,


  • Hello, thank you it is working !! i would like to know how to change the size of rx and tx character i think this is 20 characters for each. Thank you in advance 

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