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nrf52805 and com with PUTTY

Hello, i have send my program with my DKnr52840 on my module 805, (the example peripheral Uart) now i would like to make my com with putty or other software but i'm going to show you what i have.   i verified the com and when im on my app on my phone and im trying to write something i have nothing on the screen. i think there is no communication.  Thank you in advance

  • Hi

    What do you mean about the size of "rx and tx character"? I think you have already done so in your main file by setting the TX and RX_BUF_SIZE to 256. What do you want to change the size to, and what are you struggling with exactly?

    Best regards,


  • Hi

    What do you mean about the size of "rx and tx character"? I think you have already done so in your main file by setting the TX and RX_BUF_SIZE to 256. What do you want to change the size to, and what are you struggling with exactly?

    Best regards,

