LE Audio SDK on nRF5340

Last post regarding LE Audio was from 7 months ago and SDK for LE Audio wasn't available.

1) Is the SDK for LE Audio ready and available?

2) Is there any smartphone (Android/iOS) that can stream audio over LE Audio BLE 5.2 already? Or this is ongoing stuff from vendors and SIG?


Parents Reply Children
  • Miric said:
    Is there a guide for using LE Audio in the nRF5340 now?

    There is currently no guide for this, no. The LE Audio SDK will encompass it all once it is released.

    Miric said:
    when is the SDK for LE Audio planned?

    As mentioned in my previous comment you would have to inquire with your RSM about this, since we do not discuss future roadmaps and releases here in the forum.

    Best regards,
