Nordic Border Router suddenly stopped working


I am currently using Nordic border router image as suggested by Google open thread group as i am using NRF5 SDK examples (sleepy mqttsn-publish example to be precise). The issue which i am facing after using the border router for 1 month continuously, suddenly my otbr has stopped acknowledging the packet send by the end device. 

I can see that the MQTT-SN gateway is acknowledging in Rpi system logs but that acknowledge is unable to reach my end device. Here is the system log for the same. please help  me .... 

Image of the issue  : 

- as you can see there is some conflict between wpan0 and wlan0 

Can anyone please help me ?

Parents Reply
  • Logs from RPi: 

    I have four border router setup two at client side and two are currently with me and have been tested one by one. 

    But suddenly all the border routers are having the same issue as mentioned in the log screenshot from above. I have even tried setting the static iaid for the wpan0 interface, which solves the above conflict I guess but the main issue of MQTTSN Gateway INFO packet is not getting received at end device is not getting resolved.

    The same issue arrives when I press button 1 of DK board for gateway discovery the GW_INFO packet is not being recieved by DK board even with default SDK example and default Thread Border Router image. 

    How can I solve this issue of end device not able to receive packet information ?
