Vendor model server message receiving problem

 Linkte verilen yönergeleri takip ederek satıcı modeli oluşturdum.Mesajlar için sunucu tarafında alınan, handle_set_cb iki kez çağrılır ve iki mesaj alınmış gibi görünüyor. Paketlere numara atadığımda, istemciden gönderilen bir mesaj sunucuda iki kez görüntüleniyor. Nedeni ne olabilir? Neyi kaçırıyorum?

  • Hi.

    The link you sent me is actually from the nRF5 SDK for Mesh v.1.0.1. Is this the SDK you are working with?

    I haven't looked closely at the doc. but it could be outdated information and api's if you are using a newer version of the nRF Mesh SDK.


    If you could add information about what SDK version you are using?

    Can you upload the server.c file that you are using in your project?


  • Hi.

    I am using nrf52 sdk 17.0.2 ve mesh_v5.0.0 . I added the server's header and c files.



    #include "simple_on_off_server.h"
    #include "simple_on_off_common.h"
    #include <stdint.h>
    #include <stddef.h>
    #include "access.h"
    #include "nrf_mesh_assert.h"
    #include "log.h"
     * Static functions
     void reply_status(const simple_on_off_server_t * p_server,
                             const access_message_rx_t * p_message,
                             bool present_on_off)
        simple_on_off_msg_status_t status;
        status.present_on_off = present_on_off ? 1 : 0;
        access_message_tx_t reply;
        reply.opcode.opcode = SIMPLE_ON_OFF_OPCODE_STATUS;
        reply.opcode.company_id = ACCESS_COMPANY_ID_NORDIC;
        reply.p_buffer = (const uint8_t *) &status;
        reply.length = sizeof(status);
        reply.force_segmented = false;
        reply.transmic_size = NRF_MESH_TRANSMIC_SIZE_DEFAULT;
        reply.access_token = nrf_mesh_unique_token_get();
        (void) access_model_reply(p_server->model_handle, p_message, &reply);
     * Opcode handler callbacks
     void handle_set_cb(access_model_handle_t handle, const access_message_rx_t * p_message, void * p_args)
        simple_on_off_server_t * p_server = p_args;
      //  NRF_MESH_ASSERT(p_server->set_cb != NULL);
        bool value = (((simple_on_off_msg_set_t*) p_message->p_data)->on_off) > 0;
       // value = p_server->set_cb(p_server, value);
        reply_status(p_server, p_message, value);
        (void) simple_on_off_server_status_publish(p_server, value); /* We don't care about status */
         __LOG(LOG_SRC_APP, LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "handle_set_cb %d, %d ,%d \n", ((simple_on_off_msg_set_t *)p_message->p_data)->on_off, ((simple_on_off_msg_set_t *)p_message->p_data)->tid, ((simple_on_off_msg_set_t *)p_message->p_data)->deneme);
     void handle_get_cb(access_model_handle_t handle, const access_message_rx_t * p_message, void * p_args)
        simple_on_off_server_t * p_server = p_args;
        NRF_MESH_ASSERT(p_server->get_cb != NULL);
        reply_status(p_server, p_message, p_server->get_cb(p_server));
     void handle_set_unreliable_cb(access_model_handle_t handle, const access_message_rx_t * p_message, void * p_args)
        simple_on_off_server_t * p_server = p_args;
        NRF_MESH_ASSERT(p_server->set_cb != NULL);
        bool value = (((simple_on_off_msg_set_unreliable_t*) p_message->p_data)->on_off) > 0;
        value = p_server->set_cb(p_server, value);
        (void) simple_on_off_server_status_publish(p_server, value);
     const access_opcode_handler_t m_opcode_handlers[] =
     void handle_publish_timeout(access_model_handle_t handle, void * p_args)
        simple_on_off_server_t * p_server = p_args;
        (void) simple_on_off_server_status_publish(p_server, p_server->get_cb(p_server));
     * Public API
    uint32_t simple_on_off_server_init(simple_on_off_server_t * p_server, uint16_t element_index)
        if (p_server == NULL ||
            p_server->get_cb == NULL ||
            p_server->set_cb == NULL)
            return NRF_ERROR_NULL;
        access_model_add_params_t init_params;
        init_params.element_index =  element_index;
        init_params.model_id.model_id = SIMPLE_ON_OFF_SERVER_MODEL_ID;
        init_params.model_id.company_id = ACCESS_COMPANY_ID_NORDIC;
        init_params.p_opcode_handlers = &m_opcode_handlers[0];
        init_params.opcode_count = sizeof(m_opcode_handlers) / sizeof(m_opcode_handlers[0]);
        init_params.p_args = p_server;
        init_params.publish_timeout_cb = handle_publish_timeout;
        return access_model_add(&init_params, &p_server->model_handle);
    uint32_t simple_on_off_server_status_publish(simple_on_off_server_t * p_server, bool value)
        simple_on_off_msg_status_t status;
        status.present_on_off = value ? 1 : 0;
        access_message_tx_t msg;
        msg.opcode.opcode = SIMPLE_ON_OFF_OPCODE_STATUS;
        msg.opcode.company_id = ACCESS_COMPANY_ID_NORDIC;///***************************
        msg.p_buffer = (const uint8_t *) &status;
        msg.length = sizeof(status);
        msg.force_segmented = false;
        msg.transmic_size = NRF_MESH_TRANSMIC_SIZE_DEFAULT;
        msg.access_token = nrf_mesh_unique_token_get();
        return access_model_publish(p_server->model_handle, &msg);


    #ifndef SIMPLE_ON_OFF_SERVER_H__
    #define SIMPLE_ON_OFF_SERVER_H__
    #include "access.h"
    #include <stdbool.h>
    #include <stdint.h>
     * @defgroup SIMPLE_ON_OFF_SERVER Simple OnOff Server
     * @ingroup SIMPLE_ON_OFF_MODEL
     * This module implements a vendor specific Simple OnOff Server.
     * @{
    /** Simple OnOff Server model ID. */
    #define SIMPLE_ON_OFF_SERVER_MODEL_ID (0x1000)
    /** Forward declaration. */
    typedef struct __simple_on_off_server simple_on_off_server_t;
     * Get callback type.
     * @param[in] p_self Pointer to the Simple OnOff Server context structure.
     * @returns @c true if the state is On, @c false otherwise.
    typedef bool (*simple_on_off_get_cb_t)(const simple_on_off_server_t *p_self);
     * Set callback type.
     * @param[in] p_self Pointer to the Simple OnOff Server context structure.
     * @param[in] on_off Desired state
     * @returns @c true if the current state is On, @c false otherwise.
    typedef bool (*simple_on_off_set_cb_t)(const simple_on_off_server_t *p_self, bool on);
    /** Simple OnOff Server state structure. */
    struct __simple_on_off_server {
      /** Model handle assigned to the server. */
      access_model_handle_t model_handle;
      /** Get callback. */
      simple_on_off_get_cb_t get_cb;
      /** Set callback. */
      simple_on_off_set_cb_t set_cb;
     * Initializes the Simple OnOff server.
     * @note This function should only be called _once_.
     * @note The server handles the model allocation and adding.
     * @param[in] p_server      Simple OnOff Server structure pointer.
     * @param[in] element_index Element index to add the server model.
     * @retval NRF_SUCCESS         Successfully added server.
     * @retval NRF_ERROR_NULL      NULL pointer supplied to function.
     * @retval NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM    No more memory available to allocate model.
     * @retval NRF_ERROR_FORBIDDEN Multiple model instances per element is not allowed.
     * @retval NRF_ERROR_NOT_FOUND Invalid element index.
    uint32_t simple_on_off_server_init(simple_on_off_server_t *p_server, uint16_t element_index);
     * Publishes unsolicited status message.
     * This API can be used to send unsolicited status messages to report updated state value as a result
     * of local action.
     * @param[in]  p_server         Simple OnOff Server structure pointer
     * @param[in]  value            Current on/off value to be published
     * @retval NRF_SUCCESS              Successfully queued packet for transmission.
     * @retval NRF_ERROR_NULL           NULL pointer supplied to function.
     * @retval NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM         Not enough memory available for message.
     * @retval NRF_ERROR_NOT_FOUND      Invalid model handle or model not bound to element.
     * @retval NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR   The element index is greater than the number of local unicast
     *                                  addresses stored by the @ref DEVICE_STATE_MANAGER.
     * @retval NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM  Model not bound to appkey, publish address not set or wrong
     *                                  opcode format.
     * @retval NRF_ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH Attempted to send message larger than @ref ACCESS_MESSAGE_LENGTH_MAX.
    uint32_t simple_on_off_server_status_publish(simple_on_off_server_t *p_server, bool value);
    /** @} end of SIMPLE_ON_OFF_SERVER */
    void handle_set_cb(access_model_handle_t handle, const access_message_rx_t *p_message, void *p_args);
    void handle_get_cb(access_model_handle_t handle, const access_message_rx_t *p_message, void *p_args);
    void handle_set_unreliable_cb(access_model_handle_t handle, const access_message_rx_t *p_message, void *p_args);
    void handle_publish_timeout(access_model_handle_t handle, void *p_args);
    void reply_status(const simple_on_off_server_t *p_server,
        const access_message_rx_t *p_message,
        bool present_on_off);
    #endif /* SIMPLE_ON_OFF_SERVER_H__ */

  • Hi.

    I am using nrf52 sdk 17.0.2 ve mesh_v5.0.0 . I added the server's header and c files.



    #include "simple_on_off_server.h"
    #include "simple_on_off_common.h"
    #include <stdint.h>
    #include <stddef.h>
    #include "access.h"
    #include "nrf_mesh_assert.h"
    #include "log.h"
     * Static functions
     void reply_status(const simple_on_off_server_t * p_server,
                             const access_message_rx_t * p_message,
                             bool present_on_off)
        simple_on_off_msg_status_t status;
        status.present_on_off = present_on_off ? 1 : 0;
        access_message_tx_t reply;
        reply.opcode.opcode = SIMPLE_ON_OFF_OPCODE_STATUS;
        reply.opcode.company_id = ACCESS_COMPANY_ID_NORDIC;
        reply.p_buffer = (const uint8_t *) &status;
        reply.length = sizeof(status);
        reply.force_segmented = false;
        reply.transmic_size = NRF_MESH_TRANSMIC_SIZE_DEFAULT;
        reply.access_token = nrf_mesh_unique_token_get();
        (void) access_model_reply(p_server->model_handle, p_message, &reply);
     * Opcode handler callbacks
     void handle_set_cb(access_model_handle_t handle, const access_message_rx_t * p_message, void * p_args)
        simple_on_off_server_t * p_server = p_args;
      //  NRF_MESH_ASSERT(p_server->set_cb != NULL);
        bool value = (((simple_on_off_msg_set_t*) p_message->p_data)->on_off) > 0;
       // value = p_server->set_cb(p_server, value);
        reply_status(p_server, p_message, value);
        (void) simple_on_off_server_status_publish(p_server, value); /* We don't care about status */
         __LOG(LOG_SRC_APP, LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "handle_set_cb %d, %d ,%d \n", ((simple_on_off_msg_set_t *)p_message->p_data)->on_off, ((simple_on_off_msg_set_t *)p_message->p_data)->tid, ((simple_on_off_msg_set_t *)p_message->p_data)->deneme);
     void handle_get_cb(access_model_handle_t handle, const access_message_rx_t * p_message, void * p_args)
        simple_on_off_server_t * p_server = p_args;
        NRF_MESH_ASSERT(p_server->get_cb != NULL);
        reply_status(p_server, p_message, p_server->get_cb(p_server));
     void handle_set_unreliable_cb(access_model_handle_t handle, const access_message_rx_t * p_message, void * p_args)
        simple_on_off_server_t * p_server = p_args;
        NRF_MESH_ASSERT(p_server->set_cb != NULL);
        bool value = (((simple_on_off_msg_set_unreliable_t*) p_message->p_data)->on_off) > 0;
        value = p_server->set_cb(p_server, value);
        (void) simple_on_off_server_status_publish(p_server, value);
     const access_opcode_handler_t m_opcode_handlers[] =
     void handle_publish_timeout(access_model_handle_t handle, void * p_args)
        simple_on_off_server_t * p_server = p_args;
        (void) simple_on_off_server_status_publish(p_server, p_server->get_cb(p_server));
     * Public API
    uint32_t simple_on_off_server_init(simple_on_off_server_t * p_server, uint16_t element_index)
        if (p_server == NULL ||
            p_server->get_cb == NULL ||
            p_server->set_cb == NULL)
            return NRF_ERROR_NULL;
        access_model_add_params_t init_params;
        init_params.element_index =  element_index;
        init_params.model_id.model_id = SIMPLE_ON_OFF_SERVER_MODEL_ID;
        init_params.model_id.company_id = ACCESS_COMPANY_ID_NORDIC;
        init_params.p_opcode_handlers = &m_opcode_handlers[0];
        init_params.opcode_count = sizeof(m_opcode_handlers) / sizeof(m_opcode_handlers[0]);
        init_params.p_args = p_server;
        init_params.publish_timeout_cb = handle_publish_timeout;
        return access_model_add(&init_params, &p_server->model_handle);
    uint32_t simple_on_off_server_status_publish(simple_on_off_server_t * p_server, bool value)
        simple_on_off_msg_status_t status;
        status.present_on_off = value ? 1 : 0;
        access_message_tx_t msg;
        msg.opcode.opcode = SIMPLE_ON_OFF_OPCODE_STATUS;
        msg.opcode.company_id = ACCESS_COMPANY_ID_NORDIC;///***************************
        msg.p_buffer = (const uint8_t *) &status;
        msg.length = sizeof(status);
        msg.force_segmented = false;
        msg.transmic_size = NRF_MESH_TRANSMIC_SIZE_DEFAULT;
        msg.access_token = nrf_mesh_unique_token_get();
        return access_model_publish(p_server->model_handle, &msg);


    #ifndef SIMPLE_ON_OFF_SERVER_H__
    #define SIMPLE_ON_OFF_SERVER_H__
    #include "access.h"
    #include <stdbool.h>
    #include <stdint.h>
     * @defgroup SIMPLE_ON_OFF_SERVER Simple OnOff Server
     * @ingroup SIMPLE_ON_OFF_MODEL
     * This module implements a vendor specific Simple OnOff Server.
     * @{
    /** Simple OnOff Server model ID. */
    #define SIMPLE_ON_OFF_SERVER_MODEL_ID (0x1000)
    /** Forward declaration. */
    typedef struct __simple_on_off_server simple_on_off_server_t;
     * Get callback type.
     * @param[in] p_self Pointer to the Simple OnOff Server context structure.
     * @returns @c true if the state is On, @c false otherwise.
    typedef bool (*simple_on_off_get_cb_t)(const simple_on_off_server_t *p_self);
     * Set callback type.
     * @param[in] p_self Pointer to the Simple OnOff Server context structure.
     * @param[in] on_off Desired state
     * @returns @c true if the current state is On, @c false otherwise.
    typedef bool (*simple_on_off_set_cb_t)(const simple_on_off_server_t *p_self, bool on);
    /** Simple OnOff Server state structure. */
    struct __simple_on_off_server {
      /** Model handle assigned to the server. */
      access_model_handle_t model_handle;
      /** Get callback. */
      simple_on_off_get_cb_t get_cb;
      /** Set callback. */
      simple_on_off_set_cb_t set_cb;
     * Initializes the Simple OnOff server.
     * @note This function should only be called _once_.
     * @note The server handles the model allocation and adding.
     * @param[in] p_server      Simple OnOff Server structure pointer.
     * @param[in] element_index Element index to add the server model.
     * @retval NRF_SUCCESS         Successfully added server.
     * @retval NRF_ERROR_NULL      NULL pointer supplied to function.
     * @retval NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM    No more memory available to allocate model.
     * @retval NRF_ERROR_FORBIDDEN Multiple model instances per element is not allowed.
     * @retval NRF_ERROR_NOT_FOUND Invalid element index.
    uint32_t simple_on_off_server_init(simple_on_off_server_t *p_server, uint16_t element_index);
     * Publishes unsolicited status message.
     * This API can be used to send unsolicited status messages to report updated state value as a result
     * of local action.
     * @param[in]  p_server         Simple OnOff Server structure pointer
     * @param[in]  value            Current on/off value to be published
     * @retval NRF_SUCCESS              Successfully queued packet for transmission.
     * @retval NRF_ERROR_NULL           NULL pointer supplied to function.
     * @retval NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM         Not enough memory available for message.
     * @retval NRF_ERROR_NOT_FOUND      Invalid model handle or model not bound to element.
     * @retval NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR   The element index is greater than the number of local unicast
     *                                  addresses stored by the @ref DEVICE_STATE_MANAGER.
     * @retval NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM  Model not bound to appkey, publish address not set or wrong
     *                                  opcode format.
     * @retval NRF_ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH Attempted to send message larger than @ref ACCESS_MESSAGE_LENGTH_MAX.
    uint32_t simple_on_off_server_status_publish(simple_on_off_server_t *p_server, bool value);
    /** @} end of SIMPLE_ON_OFF_SERVER */
    void handle_set_cb(access_model_handle_t handle, const access_message_rx_t *p_message, void *p_args);
    void handle_get_cb(access_model_handle_t handle, const access_message_rx_t *p_message, void *p_args);
    void handle_set_unreliable_cb(access_model_handle_t handle, const access_message_rx_t *p_message, void *p_args);
    void handle_publish_timeout(access_model_handle_t handle, void *p_args);
    void reply_status(const simple_on_off_server_t *p_server,
        const access_message_rx_t *p_message,
        bool present_on_off);
    #endif /* SIMPLE_ON_OFF_SERVER_H__ */
