Part of the HEX regions are out of the device memory size...from Programmer v2.2.0


Here is my some information.

I tried write hex file this.

- nRF_SDK/examples/dfu/secure_dfu_test_images/ble/nrf52832/sd_s132_bootloader_buttonless_with_setting_page_dfu_secure_ble_debug_with_bonds.hex

But application shown this message.

I was never seen this message before, when I use 'nrf connect for desktop 3.6.1' version.

I can not dowgrade, 'nrf connect for desktop' application do forced installed lastest version.

What can I do something?

  • Hi David, 
    The complain from the Programmer is most likely because of the UICR configuration (starting at address 0x10001000) included in the bootloader. 
    The programmer only expected addresses from 0x0000000 to 0x80000 (for nRF52832) that's why it complain about the hex addresses outside of the device flash memory size. You can ignore this message an proceed. 

  • Hi David, 
    The complain from the Programmer is most likely because of the UICR configuration (starting at address 0x10001000) included in the bootloader. 
    The programmer only expected addresses from 0x0000000 to 0x80000 (for nRF52832) that's why it complain about the hex addresses outside of the device flash memory size. You can ignore this message an proceed. 
