nrf connect app for desktop

I am using nrf52832 dev kit and soft device s132. I have use my board as peripheral

and i have another nrf52840 dev kit which i am using as a central connect it with my PC which has nrf connect app for desktop.

i have a code which is perfectly running on my nrf connect app on mobile but it is not running on nrf connect app for desktop.

pls help

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  • Hello again, Ridhima

    Thank you for your patience with this, and thank you for providing the logs.

    From your nRF Connect for desktop log it does not seem that "11" is ever written to the characteristic, like you are doing in the nRF Connect for smartphone logs.
    It also seems that you connection times out eventually.

    Could you detail when in the logs you attempt to do the write?
    Could you also tell me if you are able to read and write the other services of the device, or if they all are inaccessible?
    What does your peripheral device's log say when this occurs?

    Best regards,

  • My operation is to enable notify, write 11 and get the data 

    karl i am following this same process in nrf app for mobi;e in which i get the data but on nrf app for desktop m not able to get it. pls help me

  • I have personally never seen a characteristic write retuning NRF_ERROR_BUSY on the nRF Connect desktop. This error code usually means that too many SoftDevice API calls have been issued, so that the command queue is full, however I would not expect this to be a problem on a desktop application. This supports my suspicion from earlier that the '11' value is never sent to the peripheral device, which is why you are not seeing the notifications on the nRF Connect desktop.

    Please answer the questions in my previous reply, so that I may get a better understanding of what is happening in your application.

    Best regards,

  • i have saved logs in flash memory. When i connect i just enable notify , write 11 and get the data. i nrf app for desktop also i am doing the same.
