I'm developing on an iMac M1.

Over 2 month I tried to get the nRF Connect for desktop (V3.9.3) running on my M1-mac, without success.

Toolchain manager (v0.10.3) works, I work with SES based on nRF Connect SDK v1.8.0

The following tools face an issue:

* Bluetooth Low Energy v3.0.0

* Programmer v2.2.0

* Power Profiler v3.3.0


Seems that all issues are based on a non accessible JLINKARM_DLL library?

How to fix?

  • Hi Marte,

    it definitely fixed the issue - thanks.

    PS: I wonder why Nordic does not fix this tiny issue. It costed me 20 hours of fix trials with finally no success. It is not intuitive  that you MUST NOT select the M1 button if you have an M1. I think elimination of the M1 option and re-labeling the remaining option as "x86 and M1" would solve everything and would not cause people running into this nasty issue!

    Anyway, thanks - you were a great help BlushInnocentSunglasses

  • Hi,

    I can understand your frustration with this, and I am sorry that you had to spend so much time on getting it to work.

    The reasons we need to do it this way for now is driver incompatibilities, as we do not have M1-versions of all tools and components. The plan is to get native M1 support, but I do not have any time frame for when this will come.

    Best regards,


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