Getting started with Thingy91

I am trying to flash an LED on and off on the Thingy91 I have been provided using the Blinky program.

I have managed to update the firnware and model as described in the getting started guide and updated to asset tracker v2.

I have installed the nRF connect desktop and through this the programmer and toolchain manager. Through this I open Segger studio and open an nRF connect project SDK release 1.8.0 Projects: blinky, boardname thingy_nrf9160. I build and there are no errors, this produces the file merged.hex and I use the programmer to update the Thingy91 in MCUboot mode. The hex file merged.hex deploys ok. I can tell it has deployed because the function of asset tracker v2 is replaced, and nothing happens. No LEDs blinking. There are no compiler warnings telling me that I have no onboard LED. There are other hex files produced at the same time: zephyr.hex, mcuboot_primary.hex and mcuboot_primary_app.hex.

I have also tried enabling the build for mcu boot as described here and updating the app_signed.hex This doesn't work either.

Can you advise what I am doing wrong or preferably point me in the direction of a really basic getting started guide that deals with programming and not setting up hardware.

There is clearly a bit of the getting started process I am missing.


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