CTS (clear to send) event/interrupt for Libuarte driver.

Hi, I'm pretty new to microcontroller programming so please correct my wrongs.

I'm using the Libuarte driver library to have the pca10040 talk to my server via serial connection. I need to implement flow control since the DK is sending data faster than the server can consume. So the server asserts RTS and I want the pca10040 to have an event relating to the CTS being asserted.

I see that the Libuarte library has nrf_libuarte_async_rts_clear and nrf_libuarte_async_rts_get, but nothing for CTS.

UART HAL driver has NRF_UARTE_EVENT_CTS event and NRF_UARTE_EVENT_NCTS event which would be really useful for my purposes.

How can I integrate the CTS events with my usage of the Libuarte library?

Thanks in advance.

Edit: Nevermind, after learning more about flow control, I realize now that it's an automatic process.
