Hey, I'm starting a new project and I think a very good fit for this would be to have all of my code in an application chip and use a nrf52840 trough USB as a connectivity chip. I have looked at pc-ble-driver and got it running, but it depends on nrf sdk 15.3.0 + a custom patch (I checked and it doesn't work with sdk5.3.0 connectivity example firmware out of the box), it doesn't seem to have been update for subsequent SDKs and softdevices (I tried running the latest 17.1 connectivity firmware and that didn't work either).
My two question are:
Is pc-ble-driver still supported and is it recommend for new projects?
Is there an alternative where I can use a nrf52840 as a connectivity chip mostly controlled by an application chip (but still allow me to do some custom firmware changes (specifically I would need to incorporate the time sync code https://github.com/nordic-auko/nRF5-ble-timesync-demo)