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FTP with LTE

Hello Nordic.

I'm using the nRF9160DK and with it, some sensors and an sd-card. I save data to the sd-card using a fatfs filesystem, the files are of magnitude 500 kB.
I want to upload these files to my server via FTP. I see that nordic has a FTP_client library, Zephyr has a TFTP library and there is an example here:

that doesn't use either. I've been trying to find some sort of sample code to get started but have failed, is it possible to get some help with this?

A follow up question being: I am new to the IoT-world and I am surprised to see FTP not being mentioned very often. Is this because it is not normal practice when it comes to data upload to server? Is there another method being preferred here? I've seen http posts mentioned but also not in abundance. Data upload to server must be one of the corner stones of IoT applications and so it feels like there is a standard practice here that I am unaware of.

Thank you, again.


