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NRF Connect - Programmer Fails to Connect to Device 9160-DK JLINKARM_DLL_COULD_NOT_BE_OPENED

I am using a mac M1, running macOS 12.0.1 Monterey. 

J-Link Software and Documentation Pack v7.62 (latest)

NRF Connect for Desktop v3.10.0 (latest)

Programmer v2.3.1 (latest)

Plug in a 9160-DK, turn on, open Programmer app. 

ERROR: Failed to get the library versions: JLINKARM_DLL_COULD_NOT_BE_OPENED (Origin: "Failed to get module versions.")

[nrfdl][info](12:54:09.059) getUSB: Could not open USB.

[nrfdl][error](12:54:09.836) JLink ignore error -101 for serialnumber 000960XXXXXX and continue

Device is viewable from the dropdown:

ERROR: Unsupported device. The detected device could not be recognized as neither JLink device nor Nordic USB device.

ERROR: Please make sure J-Link Software is installed.

I know the J-Link software package is installed.

I have seen previous threads similar to this, issue: here however I tried installing version 3.7.2 but it did not solve the issue for me. This issue also references using JLink v6.88a, but this version is not available for a mac M1. 


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