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all examples softdevice don't work on nRF52832

Hi all.

I am now testing nRF52832 preview DK examples work with softdevice on MDK-ARM version 5.15 I use nRF52832 preview DK and nRF Toolbox and Termite tool. I hope:

->nRF Toolbox(UART app) detected nRF52832 preview DK ->nRF Toolbox(UART app) will send text to nRF52832 preview DK, then nRF52832 preview DK will send that text to my computer and display on Termite tool

But nothing happened. UART app not recognize nRF52832 preview DK, the same result with nRF Toolbox(BPM app), nRF Toolbox(HRM app), nRF Toolbox(HTM app),...

At here i will describes ble_app_uart example. When i compile and download firmware to preview kit i see that LED-2 strong light, LED-4 weak light and Toolbox not recognize preview kit. I think firmware not work so i run in debug mode with default setting:

IROM1: start at 0x1F000 and size 0x61000 IRAM1: start at 0x20002800 and size 0x5800 debug mode i choice "run to main" the debugger can't jump to main function. But when i re-config to:

IROM1: start at 0x00 and size 0x80000 IRAM1: start at 0x20002800 and size 0x5800 debug mode i choice "run to main" the debugger jump to main function but still not work. Can anyone help me setting project to interface with nRF Toolbox(UART app), What i need set up here.

Thanks a lot.

By the way nRF Toolbox i install on IPhone5 with bluetooth 4.0, but nRF52832 is bluetooth 4.2. Is it Ok?

  • thanks RK. it is the start point(start at SystemInit because i remove check "run to main" in debbuger)

    Reset_Handler PROC

                EXPORT  Reset_Handler             [WEAK]
                IMPORT  SystemInit
                IMPORT  __main
                LDR     R0, =SystemInit
                BLX     R0
                LDR     R0, =__main
                BX      R0

    But debugger can't jump in to SystemInit() function. In the 'ble_app_uart' example i only add

    #define ENABLE_TRACE in system_nrf52.c file, can you help me.

  • thanks RK. it is the start point(start at SystemInit because i remove check "run to main" in debbuger)

    Reset_Handler PROC

                EXPORT  Reset_Handler             [WEAK]
                IMPORT  SystemInit
                IMPORT  __main
                LDR     R0, =SystemInit
                BLX     R0
                LDR     R0, =__main
                BX      R0

    But debugger can't jump in to SystemInit() function. In the 'ble_app_uart' example i only add

    #define ENABLE_TRACE in system_nrf52.c file, can you help me.

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