nRF5340 Netcore firmware update using external flash

I am using NCS 1.7.0 and latest nRF5340 DK

I am trying to update netcore firmware using the process defined here:

I am able to update the appcore and netcore using the smp_svr sample as documented  here:

I used west tool for building the smp_svr sample

`west build -b nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpuapp -- -DCONFIG_BOOTLOADER_MCUBOOT=y -Dmcuboot_CONFIG_PCD=y -DOVERLAY_CONFIG=overlay-bt.conf`

I also enabled logging in hci_rpmsg and modified some dummy logging message to confirm that update has happened successfully in the netcore

This sample does not use QSPI external flash for the FOTA so i modified the sample to use external flash by adding an overlay and also CONFIG_NORDIC_QSPI_NOR=y.

This modified sample works for the updating application core but does not work for network core. I am able to upload the network core binary but once i issue image test and reset commands it takes sometime to reboot but still network core has the old firmware. 

I had to use the following configs in mcuboot child image configurations to come to this state:




if i use the commented options above then during FOTA process device reboots continuously with a fatal error seen on network core.

I was facing a similar issue on my nRF5340 based product development (where i wanted to use CONFIG_BOOT_SWAP_USING_SCRATCH) and hence i thought it will work in devkit but i see the same issue here too on smp_svr sample application.

Kindly help me with this as I don't know what else is missing from my configurations that will enable me to update the network core using external flash QSPI.



  • Hello Edvin,
            May be i phrased it wrongly. But for me "CONFIG_BOOT_SWAP_USING_SCRATCH" did not work and when i checked in Zephyr's discord channel with Nordic Vendor thread they mentioned i need to use "CONFIG_BOOT_UPGRADE_ONLY" for updating netcore. 

    Also this is mentioned as part of the Nordic document:

    May be i am interpreting something wrong. But i would like some confirmation from Nordic, whether we can use "CONFIG_BOOT_SWAP_USING_SCRATCH" option for updating netcore and QSPI flash?


    Dhananjay G J

  • Hello Edvin,
            May be i phrased it wrongly. But for me "CONFIG_BOOT_SWAP_USING_SCRATCH" did not work and when i checked in Zephyr's discord channel with Nordic Vendor thread they mentioned i need to use "CONFIG_BOOT_UPGRADE_ONLY" for updating netcore. 

    Also this is mentioned as part of the Nordic document:

    May be i am interpreting something wrong. But i would like some confirmation from Nordic, whether we can use "CONFIG_BOOT_SWAP_USING_SCRATCH" option for updating netcore and QSPI flash?


    Dhananjay G J
