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Life time of nRF52810


What is the lifespan of nRF52810, operating at room temperature ? How long can it reliably work? Do you have some figures on this ? If yes, is it same for other nordic controllers also ?

  • Hi,

    The easy answer is that it will last for several years.

    What is often mentioned in these contexts is FIT, which can be used to calculate a statistical MTTF (Mean Time To Failure). For the nRF52810 QFAA-B00, this is HTOL, PASS FIT (60% CL) : 51. When calculating the MTTF you should also take into account the amount of samples you have.

    Flash (and potentially the battery, if applicable) is what most likely would stop functioning correctly first, and how long this would take depends on your use. The Flash is specified to last at least 10.000 Erase cycles, but can last much longer. Maybe your chip will last 50.000 cycles, it varies from chip to chip. If you are not planning on writing anything to the flash, there are also other issues related to its use, eg. data retention: how long the Flash can retain its state in various temperatures. We do not have any specific guaranteed numbers for room temperature on this, but it will likely last at least 10 years in 85 °C

    So in order for you to calculate how long your product would last, you would have to take into account how you are planning on using it. Here is an example of someone doing this, if it helps. And if the specs of the internal flash doesn't match what you would need you can always get external flash with the specs you would want.



  • Thank you for your reply.

    Could you please explain me what does this mean ?

    this is HTOL, PASS FIT (60% CL) : 51

    Also, what does FIT stands for ?

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