can I run python scripts on the nRF52840 DK

Can I install and run python code on the nRF52840 DK?

  • Hello Gary,

    While I am not a Python expert, your question prompted me to search for whether there are embedded, small resource footprint Python implementations.  I found a couple of sites which look promising:

    Adafruit CircuitPython

    The Adafruit embedded Python page was linked to from another Adafruit page stating that they no longer maintain their MicroPython docs.  But I see there's a MicroPython forum link near the end of the second link above.  Looks like there is also a micropython github project under active development.

    One reason I answered is that a number of my fellow team code in Python, and it would be useful to us to find ways to run Python code in embedded contexts.  I can say in general, as you likely already know, Python normally runs in a Windows, Linux or *nix operating system environment.  There generally isn't room to install these operating systems on embedded boards.

    I am curious to see what Nordic engineers reply to your question.  I will keep an eye on your post.  Hopefully we can find a practical working solution here soon.

    - Ted

  • Hi 

    We don't officially support running Python on the nRF52840DK, and I think that your best option would be MicroPython linked by Ted earlier. 

    Just note that when using third party software frameworks, IDE's etc it is very limited what support we can provide here in Devzone, and you need to rely on whatever forums or support they make available. 

    Another way to write Python code for an nRF52 device is to get the BBC Micro Bit v2, which is based on the nRF52833. This is a cool little board which is designed primarily to introduce children and students to embedded programming, allowing you to use either a graphical, block based interface, JavaScript, or Python.  

    Best regards
