I have MCUBOOT compiled under Zephyr 3.0 working fine with my 52840 based project. The transport is the CDC ACM "UART" using CONFIG_MCUBOOT_SERIAL
Using mcumgr.exe to load the application from Windows, it was taking 4 1/2 minutes to load/program a 220K app. That is less than 1KB/sec.
I was able to do a significant speedup by changing the mtu. This involved changing the config line CONFIG_BOOT_MAX_LINE_INPUT_LEN=4096 and modifying the following in boot_serial.c
That allowed me to change the mtu on the mcumgr as the following
mcumgr --conntype serial --connstring dev=COM4,mtu=4096 image upload signed-app.bin
It is now 1 1/2 minutes, which is still only 2.7KB/sec. Any ideas on what could be keeping it still so slow?
Prj.cnf is below