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[nRF Connect SDK] Async UART Rx loss

Target nRF52832(nrf52dk_nrf52832)
SDK NCS v1.9.1
Base source: C:\Users\user\ncs\v1.9.1\nrf\samples\bluetooth\peripheral_hids_keyboard
I add uart implementation from following source.

baud rate: 921600
flow control: hw

I found some of data are missing.

UART Rx buffer size: 128
(last received. 122)
00> E: received 122
(0123456789 <- 10 bytes was sent.)

00> evt->type 2 (UART_RX_RDY)
00> E: evt->data.rx.len 6 <- actually 6 bytes received. 4 bytes are lost.
00> E: evt->data.rx.offset 122
00> E: received 128
00> evt->type 4 (UART_RX_BUF_RELEASED)
00> evt->type 3 (UART_RX_BUF_REQUEST)
Finally 4 bytes are lost.

I review doc regarding uart, but no loss issue was found.
Do you have any idea? I'm afraid that flow control is working properly.

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