In zephyr,i use direction rx and tx,in tx there a error code (-134),but i can't solve it,this problem occur in ncs direction.where is the problem?

I use the zephyr version 3.0.9,when i build the hci_rpmsg project,it have serial error.then i chnange the onfigruation by  add some new definition.

I add some configurations to nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpunet.conf files which is in C:\Users\Administrator\zephyrproject\zephyr\samples\bluetooth\hci_rpmsg\boards.


# Limit number of possible connection to decrease memory usage

# Required to enable BT_PER_ADV_SYNC_MAX




then i build the rx and tx ,in putty teminator,there is a error.

*** Booting Zephyr OS build v2.7.99-ncs1  ***

Starting Direction Finding periodic advertising Beacon Demo

Bluetooth initialization...success

Advertising set create...success

Update CTE params...failed (err -134)

I try to solve the problem by all kinds of way to,but it don't matter.where is the problem ?or do the procedures have problem?

  • Hello,

    I'm somewhat confused. What version of nRF Connect SDK are you working on? 

    Have you tested with a standard sample from the nRF Connect SDK v1.9.1 e.g. nRF5340: Multiprotocol RPMsg

    Kind regards,

  • Yes,thanks for your reply.i use the zephyr project. as zepyer describled.I don't make a try about nRF5340: Multiprotocol RPMsg.

    I use NCS 1.9.0 for my project,but it have the error -134.I use the diffrent boards to flash this example,unforchunately,it has the same err.may it be your design you have a try?

  • Thanks for clarifying. nRF Connect SDK (NCS) v1.9.0  uses Zephyr v2.7.99. 


    This is the stand alone version of the Zephyr Project, while NCS should be installed (using Toolchain Manager) under e.g. C:\Users\Administrator\NCS. Note that we do recommend installing NCS to a shorter path i.e. C:\NCS, or similar. 


    I add some configurations to nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpunet.conf files which is in C:\Users\Administrator\zephyrproject\zephyr\samples\bluetooth\hci_rpmsg\boards.

    As stated in the NCS Bluetooth: Direction finding connectionless beacon:

    To build this sample for nRF5340 DK, with angle of arrival mode only, add content of overlay-aoa.conf file to child_image/hci_rpmsg.conf file.

    This is referring to nrf\samples\bluetooth\direction_finding_connectionless_tx\child_image\hci_rpmsg.conf

    swz_nordic said:
    but it have the error -134

    Error -134 can be found in errno.h - e.g. zephyr\lib\libc\minimal\include\errno.h, which states:

    #define ENOTSUP 134         /**< Unsupported value */
    Please verify your configurations and let me know if this helps.

    Kind regards,
  • Thanks for clarifying. nRF Connect SDK (NCS) v1.9.0  uses Zephyr v2.7.99. 


    This is the stand alone version of the Zephyr Project, while NCS should be installed (using Toolchain Manager) under e.g. C:\Users\Administrator\NCS. Note that we do recommend installing NCS to a shorter path i.e. C:\NCS, or similar. 


    I add some configurations to nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpunet.conf files which is in C:\Users\Administrator\zephyrproject\zephyr\samples\bluetooth\hci_rpmsg\boards.

    As stated in the NCS Bluetooth: Direction finding connectionless beacon:

    To build this sample for nRF5340 DK, with angle of arrival mode only, add content of overlay-aoa.conf file to child_image/hci_rpmsg.conf file.

    This is referring to nrf\samples\bluetooth\direction_finding_connectionless_tx\child_image\hci_rpmsg.conf

    swz_nordic said:
    but it have the error -134

    Error -134 can be found in errno.h - e.g. zephyr\lib\libc\minimal\include\errno.h, which states:

    #define ENOTSUP 134         /**< Unsupported value */
    Please verify your configurations and let me know if this helps.

    Kind regards,