What can cause RTC1_IRQHandler() to throw Mesh error 8 at 0x00000000?

Dear Nordic Experts,

This one's a tough nut to crack:

The firmware is based on nRF5 SDK for Mesh 5.0.0 with nRF5 SDK 17.0.2 and Softdevice s132 7.3.0. It runs on a nRF52832. When provisioning, it very rarely happens that the firmware gets trapped at app_error_fault_handler(). The short question is what can cause this, and how to fix it?

When the error happens, the stacktrace looks like:

app_error_fault_handler()   0x0002708a
app_error_handler_bare()    0x000392bc
RTC1_IRQHandler()           0x0003f0e8
main()                      0x00026948

And SES logged:

<t:     377511>, main.c,  291, Successfully provisioned
<t:     377516>, main.c,  175, Restoring default configuration!
<t:     377543>, ble_dfu_support.c,  171, ble_dfu_support_service_init()
<t:     377549>, main.c,  286, Node Address: 0x0004 Addresses used: 1
<t:     377556>, main.c,  250, Mesh event: 0x1D
<t:     378068>, main.c,  250, Mesh event: 0x12
<t:     378071>, main.c,  218, Mesh event: NRF_MESH_EVT_RX_FAILED
<t:     424714>, proxy.c,  632, Connected
<t:     439992>, ble_softdevice_support.c,  104, Successfully updated connection parameters
<t:     489533>, main.c,  250, Mesh event: 0x4
<t:     489537>, mesh_gatt.c,  168, HVN data: 4101007D520E366F2048C10000000025B661239B
<t:     489545>, mesh_gatt.c,  219, status: 8 len: 20 usable-mtu:20 sar_type: 1
<t:     493487>, app_error_weak.c,  115, Mesh error 8 at 0x00000000 (:0)

Unfortunately this happened on a release build, so the elf file isn't of much help.

Questions now are:

  1. What could case RTC1_IRQHandler() to trigger Mesh error 8 (NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE)?
  2. And how to avoid it?

Since this is related to the timer, I suspect that my firmware may have a fundamental flaw. Let me explain:

  1. The firmware uses app_timer_xxx() api to compute the device's uptime:

    uint64_t calculate_uptime_in_milliseconds() {
        uint32_t this_ticks = app_timer_cnt_get();
        uptime_in_ticks += app_timer_cnt_diff_compute(this_ticks, last_ticks);
        last_ticks = this_ticks;
        uptime_in_milliseconds = (uptime_in_ticks * 1000) / APP_TIMER_CLOCK_FREQ;
        return uptime_in_milliseconds;

  2. The main loop uses the uptime to drive the business logic:
    int main(void)
        while (true)
            uint64_t uptime_in_milliseconds = calculate_uptime_in_milliseconds();
            handle_business_logic(&mesh_server, uptime_in_milliseconds);

What's your point on this approach? Could the way app_timer is used be related to RTC1_IRQHandler() causing Mesh error 8 (NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE)?

The issue happens only once every few hundred provisioning attempts, so any advise is very welcome!

Thank you,


There were some technical issues yesterday (site didn't finish sending), that caused this question to be posted three times. Unfortunately I've noticed it too late.
